2009年6月1日 星期一

fortune cookie sayings

* "Welcome" is a powerful word.
* A dubious friend may be an enemy in camouflage.
* A feather in the hand is better than a bird in the air. (2)
* A fresh start will put you on your way.
* A friend asks only for your time not your money.
* A friend is a present you give yourself.
* A gambler not only will lose what he has, but also will lose what he doesn't have.
* A golden egg of opportunity falls into your lap this month.
* A good time to finish up old tasks. (2)
* A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.
* A light heart carries you through all the hard times.
* A new perspective will come with the new year. (2)
* A person is never to (sic) old to learn. (2)
* A person of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
* A pleasant surprise is waiting for you.
* A smile is your personal welcome mat.
* A smooth long journey! Great expectations.
* A soft voice may be awfully persuasive.
* A truly rich life contains love and art in abundance.
* Accept something that you cannot change, and you will feel better.
* Adventure can be real happiness.
* Advice is like kissing. It costs nothing and is a pleasant thing to do.
* Advice, when most needed, is least heeded.
* All the effort you are making will ultimately pay off.
* All the troubles you have will pass away very quickly.
* All will go well with your new project.
* All your hard work will soon pay off.
* Allow compassion to guide your decisions.
* An agreeable romance might begin to take on the appearance.
* An important person will offer you support.
* An inch of time is an inch of gold.
* Be careful or you could fall for some tricks today.
* Beauty in its various forms appeals to you. (2)
* Because you demand more from yourself, others respect you deeply.
* Believe in yourself and others will too.
* Believe it can be done.
* Better ask twice than lose yourself once.
* Carve your name on your heart and not on marble.
* Change is happening in your life, so go with the flow!
* Competence like yours is underrated.
* Congratulations! You are on your way.
* Could I get some directions to your heart? (2)
* Courtesy begins in the home.
* Courtesy is contagious.
* Curiosity kills boredom. Nothing can kill curiosity.
* Dedicate yourself with a calm mind to the task at hand.
* Determination is what you need now.
* Disbelief destroys the magic.
* Distance yourself from the vain.
* Do not be intimidated by the eloquence of others.
* Do not let ambitions overshadow small success.
* Do not make extra work for yourself.
* Do not underestimate yourself. Human beings have unlimited potentials.
* Don't be discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
* Don't confuse recklessness with confidence. (2)
* Don't just spend time. Invest it.
* Don't just think, act!
* Don't let friends impose on you, work calmly and silently.
* Don't let the past and useless detail choke your existence.
* Don't let your limitations overshadow your talents.
* Don't worry; prosperity will knock on your door soon.
* Each day, compel yourself to do something you would rather not do.
* Education is the ability to meet life's situations.
* Emulate what you admire in your parents. (2)
* Emulate what you respect in your friends.
* Every flower blooms in its own sweet time.
* Every wise man started out by asking many questions.
* Everyday in your life is a special occasion.
* Failure is the chance to do better next time.
* Feeding a cow with roses does not get extra appreciation.
* For hate is never conquered by hate. Hate is conquered by love.
* Fortune Not Found: Abort, Retry, Ignore?
* From listening comes wisdom and from speaking repentance.
* From now on your kindness will lead you to success.
* Get your mind set...confidence will lead you on.
* Go take a rest; you deserve it.
* Good news will be brought to you by mail.
* Good news will come to you by mail.
* Good to begin well, better to end well.
* Happiness begins with facing life with a smile and a wink.
* Happiness will bring you good luck.
* Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips.
* Have a beautiful day.
* He who expects no gratitude shall never be disappointed. (2)
* He who knows he has enough is rich.
* Help! I'm being held prisoner in a chinese bakery!
* How you look depends on where you go.
* I learn by going where I have to go.
* If a true sense of value is to be yours it must come through service.
* If certainty were truth, we would never be wrong.
* If you look in the right places, you can find some good offerings.
* If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.
* If your desires are not extravagant, they will be granted.
* If your desires are not to extravagant they will be granted. (2)
* In order to take, one must first give.
* In the end all things will be known.
* It could be better, but its[sic] good enough.
* It is better to deal with problems before they arise.
* It is honorable to stand up for what is right, however unpopular it seems.
* It is worth reviewing some old lessons.
* It takes courage to admit fault.
* It's time to get moving. Your spirits will lift accordingly.
* Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see shadows.
* Let the world be filled with tranquility and goodwill.
* Listen not to vain words of empty tongue.
* Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.
* Living with a commitment to excellence shall take you far.
* Love is a warm fire to keep the soul warm.
* Love is like sweet medicine, good to the last drop.
* Love lights up the world.
* Love truth, but pardon error. (2)
* Man is born to live and not prepared to live.
* Many will travel to hear you speak.
* Meditation with an old enemy is advised.
* Miles are covered one step at a time.
* Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.
* Never fear! The end of something marks the start of something new.
* New ideas could be profitable.
* New people will bring you new realizations, especially about big issues. (2)
* No one can walk backwards into the future.
* Now is a good time to buy stock.
* Now is the time to go ahead and pursue that love interest!
* Now is the time to try something new
* Now is the time to try something new.
* Others can help you now.
* Pennies from heaven find their way to your doorstep this year!
* Perhaps you've been focusing too much on saving.
* Physical activity will dramatically improve your outlook today.
* Place special emphasis on old friendship.
* Please visit us at www.wontonfood.com
* Practice makes perfect.
* Protective measures will prevent costly disasters.
* Put your mind into planning today. Look into the future.
* Remember to share good fortune as well as bad with your friends.
* Rest has a peaceful effect on your physical and emotional health.
* Resting well is as important as working hard.
* Romance moves you in a new direction.
* Savor your freedom -- it is precious.
* Say hello to others. You will have a happier day.
* Self-knowledge is a life long process.
* Sloth makes all things difficult; industry all easy.
* Small confidences mark the onset of a friendship.
* Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it.
* Someone you care about seeks reconciliation.
* Soon life will become more interesting.
* Stand tall. Don't look down upon yourself. (2)
* Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you.
* Success is a journey, not a destination.
* Take care and sensitivity you show towards others will return to you.
* Take the high road.
* The austerity you see around you covers the richness of life like a veil.
* The best prediction of future is the past.
* The change you started already have far-reaching effects. Be ready.
* The change you started already have far-reaching effects. Be ready.
* The first man gets the oyster, the second man gets the shell.
* The harder you work, the luckier you get.
* The one that recognizes the illusion does not act as if it is real.
* The only people who never fail are those who never try.
* The person who will not stand for something will fall for anything.
* The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.
* The saints are the sinners who keep on trying.
* The secret to good friends is no secret to you. (2)
* The small courtesies sweeten life, the greater ennoble it.
* The smart thing to do is to begin trusting your intuitions.
* The strong person understands how to withstand substantial loss.
* The sure way to predict the future is to invent it.
* The truly generous share, even with the undeserving.
* The value lies not within any particular thing, but in the desire placed on that thing.
* The weather is wonderful.
* There is no mistake so great as that of being always right.
* There is no wisdom greater than kindness. (2)
* There is not greater pleasure than seeing your lived (sic) ones prosper.
* There's no such thing as an ordinary cat.
* Those who care will make the effort.
* Time and patience are called for many surprises await you!. (sic)
* Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time
* To know oneself, one should assert oneself.
* Today is the conserve yourself, as things just won't budge.
* Today, your mouth might be moving but no one is listening.
* Tonight you will be blinded by passion.
* Use your eloquence where it will do the most good.
* Welcome change.
* Well done is better than well said.
* What's hidden in an empty box?
* What's yours in mine, and what's mine is mine.
* When your heart is pure, your mind is clear.
* You always bring others happiness.
* You are a person of another time.
* You are a talented storyteller. (2)
* You are admired by everyone for your talent and ability.
* You are almost there.
* You are generous to an extreme and always think of the other fellow.
* You are going to have some new clothes.
* You are in good hands this evening.
* You are never selfish with your advice or your help.
* You are next in line for promotion in your firm.
* You are offered the dream of a lifetime. Say yes!
* You are open-minded and quick to make new friends. (2)
* You are solid and dependable.
* You are soon going to change your present line of work.
* You are talented in many ways.
* You are the master of every situation.
* You are very expressive and positive in words, act and feeling.
* You are working hard.
* You begin to appreciate how important it is to share your personal beliefs.
* You desire recognition and you will find it.
* You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.
* You have a friendly heart and are well admired. (2)
* You have a shrewd knack for spotting insincerity.
* You have a yearning for perfection. (2)
* You have an active mind and a keen imagination.
* You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself.
* You have exceeded what was expected.
* You have the power to write your own fortune.
* You have yearning for perfection.
* You look pretty.
* You love challenge.
* You love chinese food.
* You make people realize that there exist other beauties in the world.
* You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems. (2)
* You seek to shield those you love and like the role of provider. (2)
* You should be able to make money and hold on to it.
* You should be able to undertake and complete anything.
* You understand how to have fun with others and to enjoy your solitude.
* You will always be surrounded by true friends.
* You will always get what you want through your charm and personality.
* You will always have good luck in your personal affairs.
* You will be a great success both in the business world and society. (2)
* You will be blessed with longevity.
* You will be successful in your work.
* You will be traveling and coming into a fortune.
* You will be unusually successful in business.
* You will become a great philanthropist in your later years.
* You will become more and more wealthy.
* You will enjoy good health.
* You will enjoy good health; you will be surrounded by luxury.
* You will find great contentment in the daily, routine activities.
* You will have a fine capacity for the enjoyment of life.
* You will have gold pieces by the bushel.
* You will inherit a large sum of money.
* You will make change for the better.
* You will soon be surrounded by good friends and laughter.
* You will take a chance in something in near future.
* You will travel far and wide,both pleasure and business.
* Your abilities are unparalleled.
* Your ability is appreciated.
* Your ability to juggle many tasks will take you far.
* Your biggest virtue is your modesty.
* Your character can be described as natural and unrestrained.
* Your difficulties will strengthen you.
* Your dreams are never silly; depend on them to guide you.
* Your dreams are worth your best efforts to achieve them.
* Your energy returns and you get things done.
* Your first love has never forgotten you.
* Your happiness is before you, not behind you! Cherish it.
* Your hard work will payoff today.
* Your heart will always make itself known through your words.
* Your home is the center of great love.
* Your ideals are well within your reach.
* Your infinite capacity for patience will be rewarded sooner or later.
* Your leadership qualities will be tested and proven.
* Your life will be happy and peaceful.
* Your life will get more and more exciting.
* Your love life will be happy and harmonious.
* Your love of music will be an important part of your life.
* Your loyalty is a virtue, but not when it's wedded with blind subbornness.
* Your mind is your greatest asset.
* Your quick wits will get you out of a tough situation.
* Your success will astonish everyone. (2)
* Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded.
* Your work interests can capture the highest status or prestige.
